Misc poem (😢 )


I am nothing but a tool,

A well meaning fool

A life without purpose or meaning 

No goal, no drive, and no one for leaning,

Try again and again and get nothing but Rejection,

All towards seeing a clearer reflection,

Though I may be dismissed without a thought,

Someone else can be accepted without being sought,

The only lesson that can be found,

Is I am useless pound per pound,

So I am here for no other reason than to just exist,

As I drudge along and barely persist,

There is no reason to this continuing pain,

There is nothing for me to gain,

I do not strive for something better,

As life has given me this letter ,

“You have no purpose, and no one will ever accept,

You are a failure, a terrible bet,

No one cares about you,

Trying to clasp to someone, but they will never pursue,

The only place for you is in misery and strife,

As you are absolutely just a waste of a life,

You deserve no goals, no one, and nothing,

The only thing for you is this terrible sting,

That alone you will always sit, day by day,

You deserve nada, not even to play,

Reaching out as true as you might,

You are nothing but a blight,

No one wants, needs, or likes you,

You’re the only one looking for a conversation to ensue,

The clearest evidence is the start,

The only time there’s contact is when you want to impart,

There is no unsolicited reaching out to talk,

All your doing is working to stalk,

Ugly, fat, lazy, and a bore,

You don’t deserve anything you have and nothing more,

You are a leech, clasping on to those with purpose,

Feelings inside a strong overcoming surplus,

As time and time again it’s constantly shown,

There is absolutely nothing here for you, but to die alone,

You are nothing to everyone, and not cared about at all,

So just sit there and do nothing and avoid the repeated inevitable fall"

I am no one of any importance,

I shall stay alone as always, no words to mince



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