
Showing posts from June, 2021

Tomoe illustration

 Kirie looked towards Tomoe, until recently he would have never seen her as anything other than a companion animal. Even now he still imagined the kitten that found him years ago. The checkered print on her face that convinced him to call her twoface before even knowing her gender, her mottled color coat.   She definitely had a feminine form in the beastman shape. The clothing only ecentuated that form, in a shirt and skirt. Her back turned to him as she perused the stalls, this was the first time they were in a demi city. She was looking at something resembling sweet crepes , excitedly talking with the fox-man merchant.  As he kept looking at her, she turned her upper body holding one of the crepes out towards kirie.  “Have one master, they’re sweet!” she spoke firmly with a smile on her face, kirie couldn’t believe how cute his kitten became.

Strawberries and deceit

  The rise and tide of my dismay, Losing this delusion day by day, A failing of perception, Feeding the deception, Falling down once again, Hope is a lie, nothing but pain, Life is unfair, So I continue without care, Silence is my answer, Spreading like cancer, The conversation always mine to initiate, As always none participate, A feeling without validation, Never to feel vindication, I continue on with the smell of strawberries and deceit, At the end, ever predicted, my defeat, A struggle to finish without a bad end, Support and structure is easy to send, My will is supple and spry, Broken simply just by one sigh, Easy to appease, Easier still to tease, Fuck it, why not give it another try, Should be easy enough before I die, Trying to give words to the unknown, Something intangible and not entirely my own, A cycle hopefully broken, If only the words are spoken