
Showing posts from July, 2019

Thank You

I'm just playing around to see if story is worth pursuing. Thank you to any that read this.

Chapter 1 completed (not finalized)

Nya 1.0 All he could see was white, just an ever expanding field of white. He couldn't feel anything from the white, not warmth or cold. There was no noise, not even what a normal person would think of silence, there was absolutly nothing. Despite all that he didn't feel threatened by the great expanse contrarily he only felt comfort and relaxation. Kirie Arkano was just a normal everyday twenty-four year old guy, he was 6'3 mainly European in background, dark brown hair, just a slightly taller than average American. Everything else about him was just normal, other than his obsessive fanboy side for all things Japanese, granted he could not speak it very well, or even read it. He always got any localized content he could, and he didn't need to understand it when it came to music all he had to do was enjoy it. Back to him at present. "How did I get here, what was I doing?" He wracked his brain in search of what he was doing before everything became blan